Treating Fungus With Hydrogen Peroxide

Types Of Fungi That Cause Problems

Fungus is highly contagious and travels easily from person to person, either by physical touch or by other types of contamination. In the case of nail fungus, the infection may be caused by a variety of different fungi that may work alone or in partnership with one another.

Dermatophytes are molds or mildew that can develop on the skin, nails, and in the hair. These molds are the source of athlete's foot, which often results in toenail fungus infection. Passed easily through contact to clothing, towels, shoes, public showers, and locker room floors, this type of fungus cannot attack deep tissue of the body.

A type of fungus that generally develops on the skin and nails is often caused by yeast. Yeast is generated from within the body and is caused by such things as antibiotics, birth control pills, or a weakened immune system. Molds, another source of infection, are not generated by human beings and are picked up on the body by contact with soil. They then breed on the skin and nails. Molds are known as non-dermatophytes.

Medicine Or Home Remedies?

There are different ways to deal with nail fungus, from home remedies to surgery. Sometimes it is necessary to involve a doctor to treat the condition, especially in cases of toenail fungus resulting from diabetes. However, there are remedies that have been used for many years with great success. Once such remedy is hydrogen peroxide. Used to fight a variety of infections, hydrogen peroxide has the ability to tackle contaminations caused by harmful organisms. Also known as oxidative therapy, hydrogen peroxide's efficacy in treating toenail fungus infection is in its oxygen content.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide As A Treatment

To treat nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide, obtain 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide (you can purchase peroxide from the pharmacy) and apply it directly to the affected nail at least once a day. Within a week, the results are noticeable. If the nail is infected, put the hydrogen peroxide directly on the nail and under the nail as well, allowing the peroxide to penetrate to the root of the infection. A noticeable change should occur within a couple of weeks.

Your Body And Your Food Produce Peroxide

The cells of the human body have the ability to develop their own version of hydrogen peroxide. The white blood cells of the body are able to produce peroxide in order to fight contamination by crashing the cell barrier of the offending infestation. Hydrogen peroxide is not only produced in the body, it is also available in many fruit juices, such as cranberry, beet, carrot, and more. Drinking these juices helps to build immunities in the body by utilization of their oxidative powers. The best way to get hydrogen peroxide from fruits and vegetables is by juicing them and drinking the juice immediately to prevent loss of the valuable, naturally occurring, hydrogen peroxide.